1 Water-proof hat as protection from a strong wind (9) WORD [EXPLANATION]
5 Work the man left to enquire after (4) WORD [EXPLANATION]
8 What a cat is wont to do when he is pleased with you (3) WORD [EXPLANATION]
9 Company ruse got to punish severely (7) WORD [EXPLANATION]
10 Artificial universal language (3) WORD [EXPLANATION]
11 Play monotonously on an instrument (5) WORD [EXPLANATION]
12 Nation-wide economics (9) WORD [EXPLANATION]
13 Constant visitor or resident (7) WORD [EXPLANATION]
15 Befaults and come after (6) WORD [EXPLANATION]
17 The loner the lady's with in Germany (6) WORD [EXPLANATION]
18 Embraced and nestled together (7) WORD [EXPLANATION]
21 Materialisation of an issue (9) WORD [EXPLANATION]
22 Approves sanction (5) WORD [EXPLANATION]
24 Time just before anything (3) WORD [EXPLANATION]
25 Narrow part connecting two large parts (7) WORD [EXPLANATION]
26 Signed document for acknowledgement of debt (1,1,1) WORD [EXPLANATION]
27 Course of medical treatment (4) WORD [EXPLANATION]
28 What a waiter might do in prison (5,4) WORD [EXPLANATION]
1 Scrape without marking to relieve itching (7) WORD [EXPLANATION]
3 Deceitful pair stood opposite (3-5) WORD [EXPLANATION]
4 Stare right at the most remarkable (6) WORD [EXPLANATION]
5 Now I understand money falls to the floor (3,5,5) WORD [EXPLANATION]
6 Proceeding from God (9) WORD [EXPLANATION]
7 Small tumours with treacle-like ramifications (6) WORD [EXPLANATION]
9 Approximately resembling (9,4) WORD [EXPLANATION]
14 Memorandum of contents (9) WORD [EXPLANATION]
16 Shreiking bird making sensational headlines (8) WORD [EXPLANATION]
17 Made to make a person look taller (6) WORD [EXPLANATION]
19 Heated controversy (7) WORD [EXPLANATION]
20 One tune that joins together (6) WORD [EXPLANATION]
23 A politician making excuse? (5) WORD [EXPLANATION]
1 Not genuine beaver? (5,5) FALSE BEARD [Direct Clue??]
6 Tough ruffian (4) THUG [Direct Clue??]
9 Short, pithy traditional saying (7) PROVERB [Explanation please??]
10 First-rate money (7) CAPITAL [Explanation please??]
12 Claimed to be of tenths or tens (8) DECIMALS [Direct Clue]
13 Ancient British and Irish alphabet (5) OGHAM [Direct Clue??]
15 Toned to be renowned and famous (5) NOTED [Anag of NOTED]
17 and 21 proceeds from crime? (3,6,5) ILL GOTTEN GAINS [Direct Clue]
19 Telephone offices out of small cash? (9) EXCHANGE [Direct Clue]
21 See 17 across
23 Picture of sexually attractive person (3,2) PIN UP [Direct Clue]
24 Useful acquaintances (8) CONTACTS [Direct Clue]
27 A silly love-maker who mixes up his words initially (7) SPOONER [Explanation please??]
28 Glue put on fire results in oral complaint (7) GUMBOIL [GUM + BOIL]
29 Waves breaking on shore (4) SURF [Direct Clue??]
30 How words should be pronounced clearly (10) DISTINCTLY [Direct Clue]
1 They are excessively concerned with fashion (4) FOPS [Direct Clue??]
2 Most free from restraint (7) LOOSEST [Direct Clue]
3 Fragrant resin of tropical tree (5) ELEMI [Direct Clue??]
4 Making armed enclosure for a loved one (9) EMBRACING [Direct Clue]
5 Aces rightly make for contests for speed (5) RACES [Anag of ACES + R]
7 Buried to end hostilities (7) HATCHET [Direct Clue]
8 Sources of wealth (4,5) GOLDMINES [Direct Clue]
11 Extend in spatial length (7) PROLONG [Direct Clue??]
14 At home with model, sits and interrupts (10) INTERPOSES [Explanation please??]
16 Expressionless as a mask (7) DEADPAN [Direct Clue??]
18 Recently followed yesterday evening (4,5) LAST NIGHT [Direct Clue]
20 Open air? (7) CANDOUR [Direct Clue??]
22 Anthem sung as priest approaches altar (7) INTROIT [Direct Clue??]
24 Small welsh dog (5) CORGI [Direct Clue??]
25 Capital of Jordan (5) AMMAN [Direct Clue]
26 Move to get the better of opponent (4) PLOY [Direct Clue??]
1 1948 movie of the financially well placed (7,6) SITTING PRETTY [Direct Clue]
9 A wager to royalty from an accomplice (7) ABETTOR [A + BETTOR(Wager)]
10 Make a statement and close the innings (7) DECLARE [Double Defn.]
11 Procession of cars to transport a cad to Rome (9) MOTORCADE [Anag. of A CAD TO ROME]
12 Destined to be an overweight journalist (5) FATED [FAT is overweight ED is editor aka journalist]
13 Swimmer in the red whirled about (6) REELED [EEL is the swimmer, in the RED so R eel ED]
14 How to cook steak if looking for a word of appreciation (4,4) WELL DONE [Direct Clue]
17 A nastier, new type of well (8) ARTESIAN [Anag of A NASTIER]
19 Convent superior, bachelor backs little Elizabeth (6) ABBESS [Explanation please??]
23 Critical assessment, say, of light entertainment (5) REVUE [Homophone - REVUE sounds like REVIEW, Critical assessment]
25 Erratic type of troop member (9) IRREGULAR [Explanation please??]
26 A drink for the friendly (7) CORDIAL [Double Defn.]
27 Stay due to be made difficult at this time of the week (7) TUESDAY [Anag of STAY DUE]
28 Man of few words, this business associate (6,7) SILENT PARTNER [SILENT(Man of few words) + PARTNER(Associate)]
1 Speech impediment upsets m'master (7) STAMMER [Anag of M'MASTER]
2 Medico's vocation — to deal with people on time (9) TREATMENT [TREAT + MEN + T]
3 Among themselves, here printers engage in talk (5,2) INTER SE [Direct Clue??]
5 Considered afresh and cashed the bonds (8) REDEEMED [Direct Clue]
6 Diplomatic fault rectified around Connecticut (7) TACTFUL [Anag of FAULT + CT]
7 It enables the baker to get a raise (5) YEAST [Direct Clue??]
8 Device operated by foot altered afresh (7) TREADLE [Anag of ALTERED]
15 Excessively burdened (9) OVERLADEN [Direct Clue]
16 Toy dog makes pop all in somehow (8) PAPILLON [Anag of POP ALL IN]
17 Fruit found in bed after almost a month (7) APRICOT [Almost APRI(L) + COT(Bed)]
18 A place is turned exceptional (7) SPECIAL [Anag of A PLACE IS]
20 A nightmare to irritate Teddy (7) BUGBEAR [BUG (Irritate) + BEAR (Teddy)]
21 Start saying invocation for an aerosol (7) SPRAYER [S + PRAYER]
22 No water in the faucet (3,3) DRY TAP [Direct Clue]
24 Agent of disease that could travel on the Internet (5) VIRUS [Direct Clue]
1 Where to find trash (11) WASTEBASKET [Direct Clue, but shouldnt it be 2 words?]
9 Shortfall cited, if wrongly (7) DEFICIT [Anag of CITED IF]
10 Groundnut or sesame? (7) OILSEED [They are both oil seeds]
11 Drug for a power yearning (5) PURGE [P + URGE]
12 Alert men begin moving craftily to cause hindrance (9) ENTRAMMEL [Anag of ALERT MEN + M(begin Moving)]
13 "Vortex" editor died unknown (4) EDDY [ED from editor, D from died, Y from unknown]
15 A negative would suffice? Impossible (2,3,2) NO CAN DO [Negative is NO Would is CAN Suffice is DO]
19 At a great distance, shout something different (1,3,3) A FAR CRY [Direct Clue]
20 Fertilizer from manure adds quality (4) UREA [Container Clue - manURE Adds]
24 Broadcast and support a passage (9) PROPAGATE [Broadcast is the Defn. PROP is support A GATE is a passage]
25 A vegetable said to be scorched (5) CHARD [Fits in there]
27 Card game in an Illinois city (7) CHICAGO [Direct Clue]
28 Letters showing right tilt (7) ITALICS [Direct Clue]
29 Burglar's aid for accessing scandalous secrets? (8,3) SKELETON KEY [Direct Clue]
1 In conflict, iron provides something to eat (5) WAFER [Conflict is WAR. Symbol of Iron is FE WA fe R]
2 Religious but, oddly, scared (6) SACRED [Anag of SCARED]
3 High regard is what 'e encounters on return (6) ESTEEM [Encounters is MEETS and E on return becomes E STEEM]
4 Operative procedure for a robot in trouble (8) ABORTION [Anag. of A ROBOT IN]
5 Infectious disease of poor Lazar a.k.a. black fever (4-4) KALA AZAR [Anag of LAZAR AKA]
7 A commercial selected and taken over (7) ADOPTED [AD(Commercial) + OPTED(Selected) Taken over is the Defn.]
8 In which a lad ultimately becomes a grown up (5) ADULT [Container Clue - lAD ULTimately]
14 Bloomers found in Wordsworth's lines (9) DAFFODILS [Direct Clue]
16 Gibbon, for one, a grand imitator! (5,3) GREAT APE [Grand is GREAT, Imitator is APE]
17 Some figures that assist the mail sorter (4,4) AREA CODE [Direct Clue]
18 Fallout of wood work (7) SAWDUST [Direct Clue]
21 Flavouring that is the role of variety in life (5) SPICE [From Variety is SPICE of life]
22 Wool producer from Jaisalmer in olden times (6) MERINO [Container Clue - jailsalMER IN Olden]
23 Anti-aircraft fire getting doubly but briefly acknowledged (3-3) ACK ACK [Double ACKnowedgment(Brief)]
26 Cordial disposition of a girl accepting appeal (5) AMITY [IT(Appeal) in AMY(Girl) - AM IT Y]
1 Endure first of teeth breaking: get a replacement (7) DENTURE [Anag of ENDRUE + T(first of teeth)]
5 Rejection of endless commotion in a genuine setting (7) REFUSAL [Explanation please??]
9 Not quite the chief but close to it (6,2,7) SECOND IN COMMAND [Direct Clue]
10 Emanation, golden within, in dawn (6) AURORA [Explanation please??]
11 Men raged about a policeman in France (8) GENDARME [Anag of MEN RAGED]
13 Word in America for the end of the line (8) TERMINUS [TERM IN US(Word in America)]
15 Disordered situation in Timor associated with violence (6) MORASS [Hidden Clue - tiMOR ASSociated]
18 Thick soup is a drug on time (6) POTAGE [POT(Drug) + AGE(Time)]
19 Engaged in a headlong rush, a grandee slipped (8) GADARENE [Anag of A GRANDEE]
22 Electrical device that spoilt the roast (8) RHEOSTAT [Anag of THE ROAST]
24 Set fire to soft, brown coal, removing the top (6) IGNITE [(L) IGNITE]
27 Italian notion as spelt out in state take-over (15) NATIONALISATION [Anag of ITALIAN NOTION AS]
28 Revolutionary guidance to find a pigment (3,4) RED LEAD [RED(Revolutionary + LEAD(Guidance)]
29 Cricketer on ground with hesitant expression (7) FIELDER [Explanation please??]
1 Some music in a record a worker followed (7) DISCANT [DISC is Record, ANT is worker, how does it work though??]
2 More pleasant part of ethnic ergonomics (5) NICER [Hidden Clue - ethNIC ERgonomics]
3 In victory, gunner turns intimidating (9) UNNERVING [Anag of I V GUNNER]
4 Way out for a former partner with appeal (4) EXIT [Former is EX, how do we get IT??]
6 Well-known craze about note (5) FAMED [Explanation please??]
7 Means of going up or down, a scariest arrangement... (9) STAIRCASE [Anag of A SCARIEST]
8 ... and other aids for going up or down for boys, the German included (7) LADDERS [LAD DER S]
12 Actor's signal for action (3) CUE [Direct Clue]
14 Went back to be given another party (9) RETREATED [RE TREATED]
16 A drink agreed on, a blend (9) ORANGEADE [Anag of AGREED ON]
17 Is it where lawyers quench their thirst? (3) BAR [What kind of clue would one call this??]
18 An associate getting normal hire charge reversed (7) PARTNER [PAR is normal TNER is RENT reversed]
20 A woman like Adele, an organist in hiding (7) ELEANOR [Hidden Clue - adELE AN ORganist]
21 Bad art marring sleeveless jacket (6) TABARD [Anag of BAD ART]
23 Reproductive cell with a small opening (5) SPORE [S(Small) + PORE(Opening)]
25 Homer's great work (5) ILIAD [Direct Clue]
26 Petty quarrel involving non-plain litigant (4) TIFF [From PLAIN TIFF]
1 Serious one with directions to perform marriage (9) SOLEMNISE [SOLEMN(Serious) + I (One) + SE(Directions)]
5 Apprehensions about an unsafe arsenal in part (5) FEARS [Hidden Clue - unsaFE ARSenal]
8 Move tire around after regular work hours (8) OVERTIME [Anag of MOVE TIRE]
9 A small street branching off another (2-4) BY-LANE [Direct Clue]
11 Player getting some factorage (5) ACTOR [Hidden Clue - fACTORage]
12 Announcement breaking into a TV programme: "All points break into flame" (9) FLASHNEWS [FLASH is flame, all points is NEWS]
13 Soldier in cavalry regiment, American in reckless retreat (6) HUSSAR [American is US and RASH is reckless, retreat makes it HSAR]
14 Appoint an amusing person as a carrier of a short letter (8) POSTCARD [Not very sure about the explanation]
16 Zero hour? (8) MIDNIGHT [Direct Clue]
18 Bloodsucker, irritant for one retired (6) BEDBUG [Direct Clue]
22 One going back on promise with muscle (9) RETRACTOR [Explanation Please??]
23 Article yielded by plant with thick fleshy leaves (5) AGAVE [A is an Article, Yielded is GAVE]
24 Some food at a time of fast to begin with (6) LENTIL?? [Not too sure]
25 Device for hauling things up is a breeze on the French vessel (8) WINDLASS [Wind is breeze]
26 Bundle of yarn, note, found wrapped in hide (5) SKEIN [Explanation please??]
27 Itinerant salesman (9) TRAVELLER [Direct Clue]
1 Bread basket (7) STOMACH [Fits there]
2 One of the Bard's characters who relates differently (7) LAERTES [Explanation please??]
3 Liaison — a matter I spell out, conjuring up a spirit (15) MATERIALISATION [Anag pf A MATTER I SPELL OUT]
4 Protected against disease by one measure, French one (6) IMMUNO [I(One) MM(Measure) UNO(French One)]
5 Suddenly become very angry and offend hefty Hall shockingly (3,3,3,6) FLY OFF THE HANDLE [Anag of AND OFFEND HEFTY HALL]
6 American state degree accepted by a monk (7) ALABAMA [A la BA ma]
7 Boiled article with egg all around (7) SEETHED [Not too sure]
10 In a little while, swallowing a drop of whiskey, lose consciousness (5) SWOON [In a little while is SOON and drop of whiskey is W]
15 Chess player who mixed with leader of ecologists (5) P[]
16 Game with little glass balls; lose them and go mad (7) MARBLES [Direct Clue??]
17 Tenet Ed formulated for easing of tension (7) DETENTE [Anag of TENET ED]
19 Hand tool gets a plug in a fracas (7) P[]
20 He reduces friction, applying oil (7) GREASER [Direct Clue]
21 Treated air can be a medicine for bruises (6) ARNICA [Anag of AIR CAN]
1 Scheming, like a couturier perhaps (9) DESIGNING [couturier as in haute couture in fashion]
5 A heavy blow could cause embarrassment (5) ABASH [Anita : A + heavy blow = BASH]
8 Money for Barbie, say: a rouble (6) DOLLAR[CVasi : doll - a - r As Barbie is an example of a doll, the clue-writer has written 'say' (here it's not a homophone idicator.]
9 Standards for rice Rita cooked (8) CRITERIA [Anag of RICE + RITA, cooked is the anag indicator]
11 Everyone taking part in a rare achievement (4) EACH [Hidden Clue - Everyone is the definition, rarE ACHievement]
12 Goalie on US trip, producing oil (10) OLEAGINOUS [CVasi : Anag. trip - anagrind; producing oil - def]
14 Ruth's daughter-in-law (5) NAOMI [CVasi : Biblical ref]
15 Somehow undo railway briefly but thoroughly (7) ROUNDLY [Anag of UNDO + RLY]
16 Driving seat for a bird, mine! (7) COCKPIT [Anita : bird = COCK + mine = pit, as in a coal mine.]
17 Revolutionary way to find a box (5) CHE-ST [CVasi : Ref to Che Guvera]
19 Demonstrate how the sway is thwarted (4,3,3) SHOW THE WAY [Anag of HOW THE SWAY]
20 Old creature in one party after another (4) DODO [Wild Guess]
22 Boy posed with another, got dog (8) ALSATIAN [AL(Boy) + SAT(Posed) + IAN(Boy)]
23 The best band for broadcasting (6) AIRING [the best - A1 -AI band - ring]
24 Laundry machine that is more uninteresting (5) DRYER [Direct Clue]
25 Obeserver's entitlement to a command on the parade ground (4,5) EYES RIGHT [CVasi : observer's - eyes entitlement - right]
1 Shifty chap, artful Dickensian (6) DIDDLER [Anita : means a swindler ie., a shifty chap, Dickensian means devilish Ravi : with reference to "The Artful Dodger" - Jack Dawkins in Charles Dickens's Oliver Twist ]
2 In close focus, Lys dances in an affected manner (4-11) SELF-CONSCIOUSLY [Anag of IN CLOSE FOCUS LYS]
3 Creature of the Capricorn (4) GOAT [Direct Clue]
4 Medical specialist for a tiring race, one disintegrating (12) GERIATRICIAN [Anag of A TIRING RACE + I(One)]
5 Properties at the centre of creation: praises follow (10) ATRIBUTES [ATTRIBUTES ( centre of creation = AT + praises = TRIBUTES follow )]
6 Indira, incognito, devises a way to beat the weather (3-12) AIR-CONDITIONING [Anag of INDIRA COGNITO]
7 Gossip to listen to and utter (7) HEARSAY [Direct Clue, HEAR(Listen) + SAY(Utter)]
10 Everything's a part of sport, don't let it upset you (3,2,3,4) ALL IN THE GAME [Direct Clue]
13 Co-opt timer failing as a rival (10) COMPETITOR [Anag of CO-OPT TIMER]
16 Dish with a crust developing — top of desserts (7) CUSTARD [Anag of A CRUST + D(top of desserts)]
18 Do not remember, for example, going up in a stronghold (6) FORGET [FOR GE(EG going up) + T??]
21 Landing place for a lord, reportedly (4) PIER [PIER ( peer = lord)]
1 There is nothing ordinary in such cinema technique (7,7) SPECIAL EFFECTS [Direct Clue]
8 Score less than a hundred (6) EIGHTY [CVasi : score is twenty; 20 less than 100 is the answer.]
9 Man of religion who advises on behaviour (8) PREACHER [One who preaches]
11 Killer of Boston, an alien holding student (9) STRANGLER [CVasi : L (learner, student) in stranger; ref to the Boston strangler]
12 Eastern ruler is making the supply last (5) EKING [E+KING]
13 Getting close to earning a change (7) NEARING [Anag of EARNING, change is the anag indicator]
15 Would a C.O. mind becoming itinerant? (7) NOMADIC [Anag of A CO MIND]
17 Shade for a representative in some degree (7) MAGENTA[M AGENT A - MA is a degree and reperesentative, AGENT in MA gives MAGENTA]
19 Beneficiary under a policy (7) ASSURED [Direct Clue, Initially thought it was ASSURER]
21 Ring back around one for flower (5) LILAC [To ring is CALL and around one is I, Anag of I + CALL gives LILAC]
23 Where one studied in Latin (4,5) ALMA MATER [Direct Clue]
25 Worn out by direct physical exercise, oddly (8) DECREPIT [CVasi : anag of direct PE (abbr for physical exercise)]
26 One of several English kings involved in an antiquated war dance (6) EDWARD [Hidden Clue - antiquatED WAR Dance]
27 With a dark glance, a dog ran, suggestive of intrigue (5-3-6) CLOAK-AND-DAGGER [Anag of DARK GLANCE DOG]
1 Top cover — let it stand, boy! (7) STETSON [CVasi : stet - son; stet is a proofreader's instruction to the printer; when one scores out and then immediately has second thoughts, he underlines the struck out word with a broken line like this and writes STET on the margin -meaning let it stand - don't effect the striking out]
2 Avid, like the beaver? (5) EAGER [Direct Clue]
3 The purpose in stress, say (9) INTENTION [IN + TENTION (sounds like TENSION)]
4 Serve as a herald with a warning and flee (7) P[]
5 Small latitude in Eastern Europe to fill with exhilaration (5) ELATE [LAT in EE - E LAT E]
6 Revenue official who had trails altered (9) TAHSILDAR [Anag of HAD TRAILS]
7 Cheroot thrown up after little time — appalling (6) TRAGIC [Cheroot is CIGAR and time is T, Anag of CIGAR + T gives TRAGIC]
10 A bullet for the mollusc (4) SLUG [CVasi : two def; slug is a bullet also oyster/snail/mollusc/small insect]
14 Mutation of Gail, clean and like a celestial being (9) ANGELICAL [Anag of GAIL CLEAN]
16 Stupid creature, male, in means of mass communication — press, TV, etc. (4,5) MASS MEDIA [creature here is ASS male is M and means is media as in via media CVasi : Since MASS is in the answer word, a more careful clue-writer would avoid the use of the word in the clue sentence]
17 Disease a boy got in a month (6) MALADY [MA lad Y]
18 Aibara caught mixing a kind of coffee (7) ARABICA [Anag of AIBARA + C (caught)]
19 The culminating point for an expert swallowing a bit of marjoram (4) ACME [Culminating point is the definition, expert is ACE and bit of majoram is M, so AC m E]
20 One who ridicules notes on proviso (7) DERIDER [CVasi : d e - notes, musical noes; proviso -rider (remember geometry or legal deeds]
22 Each learner turns into a disciple in India (5) CHELA [CVasi : anag of each L (leaner, student)]
24 Strum the guitar perhaps (5) TWANG [Direct Clue??]
1 Going on and on to no purpose (7) []
5 Contract to construct a viaduct (7) []
9 Seclude with a fence (7) []
10 Encyclopaedist ripped up after having done the job (7) []
11 Fact of matter is possibly that slim girl is having a problem (5) []
12 A course set at intervals? (9) []
13 I get hours of variety that is blameless (9) []
15 Breaks up camp in revolt (5) []
16 A churchman takes in diamond ornamented with a chequered pattern (5) []
18 Coppers getting to the admonishment (9) []
21 Tries anew to fit into food tins and coffee tins (9) []
24 Company has right to go in quarter for a reckoning (5) []
25 Covers up when you look (7) []
26 Elegant American with Mexcian ancestry (7) []
27 Took up permanent abode and so became stable (7) []
28 Old Englishman to get Oriental interpretation of text (7) []
1 Eastern church reader who puts down his cross (7) []
2 Adornment last month over a sovereign (7) []
3 Do a gentle movement that had been extended (9) []
4 Very little in starting price — should clean up (5) []
5 Receiver of note maybe (9) []
6 Girl takes a ride around a hill range (5) []
7 Freshwater diving birds catch small American fishes (7) []
8 Praises highly, the old lost scholar (7) []
14 The downtrodden masses urged to go to work (9) []
15 Going back, reorganised services without point (9) []
16 The devil of an author? (7) []
17 Quite happy to deceive over accommodation (7) []
19 Cut off an admission of tardiness (7) []
20 Angered about something delivered by hand (7) []
22 Need expert knowledge for an accomplishment (5) []
23 Certain about large number having Ecuador money (5) []
1 Holds up picnic baskets (7) HAMPERS [double meaning]
5 Sort of drink set beside the driver (4,3) SODA CAN
9 A cart used to measure weight of gems? (5) CARAT [anagram of A CART]
10 I am like Peter Pan; incomparably so (9)
11 Do return debts to avoid causing hatred (6) ODIOUS [OD(do return) IOUS(debts)]
12 Feeble agent gets it after a month (8) DECREPIT [DEC(month) REP(agent) IT]
14 Train Diana in this country, away from prying eyes (5) INDIA [traIN DIAna]
15 The broadcast set up rare openings (9) APERTURES [anagram of SET UP RARE]
18 Valuable view of ducks (6,3) GOLDEN EYE
20 To transport goods back to a mall, a S. American animal may come in handy (5) LLAMA [anagram of A MALL]
22 Peer for a third of a sovereign on an English isle (8) NOBLEMAN
24 Before a congressman, broadcast signal was boosted and clarified by the device (6) PREAMP [PRE(before) A MP(congressman)]
26 Hill the counsellor — a most irritating individual (9) TORMENTOR [TOR(hill) MENTOR(counsellor)]
27 Drain to the bottom of an emotional state (5) NADIR [anagram of DRAIN]
28 Found her lost pistol case slung on a belt (7) HOLSTER [anagram of HER LOST]
29 Was afraid the red would run — dead worried (7) DREADED [anagram of RED DEAD]
1 Bullying once right paradoxically (9) HECTORING [anagram of ONCE RIGHT]
2 Somehow impair their ride to the altar (7) MARRIED [MAR(impair) RIED(anagram of RIDE)]
3 Following — e.g. at Rouen possibly (9) ENTOURAGE[anagram of E.G. AT ROUEN]
4 Glide smoothly along (4) SURF
5 Illness one appears to recover from? (5,5)
6 Daughter back — dull and tedious (5) DREAR [D(daughter) REAR(back)]
7 No quick growing plant? (7) CREEPER [double meaning]
8 Receive stolen goods! (5)
13 Guy the agent is a lawbreaker (10) MALEFACTOR [MALE(guy) FACTOR(agent)]
16 It's clear Eton developed the liberal spirit (9) TOLERANCE [anagram of CLEAR ETON]
17 Alarmed about retired agent getting shot through (9) SCARPERED
19 Free translation of Braille (7) LIBERAL [anagram of BRAILLE]
21 Granted a guard for Edward (7) AWARDED [A WARD(guard) ED(Edward)]
22 A companion not first to score (5) NOTCH
23 Build, to set upright (5) ERECT
25 Gone for a loaf, we hear (4) BRED[ sounds like BREAD(loaf)]
1 Seduced, leader of team? Gutted, I must leave (7)
5 Weigh down with work at mill (7)
9 Special wine - comply with note about date and it should mature in time (9,6)
10 Call up? That's all right during late part of day (5)
11 Lying down in middle of bed after drink (6)
14 Tramp breaking lots of wine bottles (9)
16 Painful ulcer needs treatment (5)
17 Port in Japan, very large, known by another name as well? (5)
18 Additional demand in racing town (9)
20 Awfully misty approaching end of office block (6)
21 Strong and wiry copper arresting teacher in retirement (5)
24 Like street bands playing for amusement (4,3,8)
25 Yearbook bound by local man, a collector (7)
26 New rose-red screen (7)
1,2 Lot H? A Scott novel (3,5,2,10)
3 Heavy blow to rear with end of cane or strap (5)
4 River pilot's first view, reportedly, of distant waters (4-3)
5 Old copper's bagging best fairground ride (7)
6 Phone, by special arrangement, one pursued by spies in ancient land (9)
7 Marathon record I start to challenge (4)
8 Extremely stark, the old island (4)
12, 13 Bob and William typed up `Seals at Sea - Aquatic Mammals' (4-6, 10)
15 One may be heading for a port abbatoir (strang name) (4,5)
18 Not settled in the Channel Islands, boy's upset (7)
19 US breakdown vehicle crew crashed by roadside? Almost (7)
21 Supply food for social event in Surrey town (not meat) (5)
22 A British graduate in pop group (4)
23 Join up, then fall heavily (4)