1 Holds up picnic baskets (7) HAMPERS [double meaning]
5 Sort of drink set beside the driver (4,3) SODA CAN
9 A cart used to measure weight of gems? (5) CARAT [anagram of A CART]
10 I am like Peter Pan; incomparably so (9)
11 Do return debts to avoid causing hatred (6) ODIOUS [OD(do return) IOUS(debts)]
12 Feeble agent gets it after a month (8) DECREPIT [DEC(month) REP(agent) IT]
14 Train Diana in this country, away from prying eyes (5) INDIA [traIN DIAna]
15 The broadcast set up rare openings (9) APERTURES [anagram of SET UP RARE]
18 Valuable view of ducks (6,3) GOLDEN EYE
20 To transport goods back to a mall, a S. American animal may come in handy (5) LLAMA [anagram of A MALL]
22 Peer for a third of a sovereign on an English isle (8) NOBLEMAN
24 Before a congressman, broadcast signal was boosted and clarified by the device (6) PREAMP [PRE(before) A MP(congressman)]
26 Hill the counsellor — a most irritating individual (9) TORMENTOR [TOR(hill) MENTOR(counsellor)]
27 Drain to the bottom of an emotional state (5) NADIR [anagram of DRAIN]
28 Found her lost pistol case slung on a belt (7) HOLSTER [anagram of HER LOST]
29 Was afraid the red would run — dead worried (7) DREADED [anagram of RED DEAD]
1 Bullying once right paradoxically (9) HECTORING [anagram of ONCE RIGHT]
2 Somehow impair their ride to the altar (7) MARRIED [MAR(impair) RIED(anagram of RIDE)]
3 Following — e.g. at Rouen possibly (9) ENTOURAGE[anagram of E.G. AT ROUEN]
4 Glide smoothly along (4) SURF
5 Illness one appears to recover from? (5,5)
6 Daughter back — dull and tedious (5) DREAR [D(daughter) REAR(back)]
7 No quick growing plant? (7) CREEPER [double meaning]
8 Receive stolen goods! (5)
13 Guy the agent is a lawbreaker (10) MALEFACTOR [MALE(guy) FACTOR(agent)]
16 It's clear Eton developed the liberal spirit (9) TOLERANCE [anagram of CLEAR ETON]
17 Alarmed about retired agent getting shot through (9) SCARPERED
19 Free translation of Braille (7) LIBERAL [anagram of BRAILLE]
21 Granted a guard for Edward (7) AWARDED [A WARD(guard) ED(Edward)]
22 A companion not first to score (5) NOTCH
23 Build, to set upright (5) ERECT
25 Gone for a loaf, we hear (4) BRED[ sounds like BREAD(loaf)]
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