The Hindu Crossword #8559 - 24th March 2006

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1 Where to find trash (11) WASTEBASKET [Direct Clue, but shouldnt it be 2 words?]

9 Shortfall cited, if wrongly (7) DEFICIT [Anag of CITED IF]

10 Groundnut or sesame? (7) OILSEED [They are both oil seeds]

11 Drug for a power yearning (5) PURGE [P + URGE]

12 Alert men begin moving craftily to cause hindrance (9) ENTRAMMEL [Anag of ALERT MEN + M(begin Moving)]

13 "Vortex" editor died unknown (4) EDDY [ED from editor, D from died, Y from unknown]

15 A negative would suffice? Impossible (2,3,2) NO CAN DO [Negative is NO Would is CAN Suffice is DO]

19 At a great distance, shout something different (1,3,3) A FAR CRY [Direct Clue]

20 Fertilizer from manure adds quality (4) UREA [Container Clue - manURE Adds]

24 Broadcast and support a passage (9) PROPAGATE [Broadcast is the Defn. PROP is support A GATE is a passage]

25 A vegetable said to be scorched (5) CHARD [Fits in there]

27 Card game in an Illinois city (7) CHICAGO [Direct Clue]

28 Letters showing right tilt (7) ITALICS [Direct Clue]

29 Burglar's aid for accessing scandalous secrets? (8,3) SKELETON KEY [Direct Clue]


1 In conflict, iron provides something to eat (5) WAFER [Conflict is WAR. Symbol of Iron is FE WA fe R]

2 Religious but, oddly, scared (6) SACRED [Anag of SCARED]

3 High regard is what 'e encounters on return (6) ESTEEM [Encounters is MEETS and E on return becomes E STEEM]

4 Operative procedure for a robot in trouble (8) ABORTION [Anag. of A ROBOT IN]

5 Infectious disease of poor Lazar a.k.a. black fever (4-4) KALA AZAR [Anag of LAZAR AKA]

6 Eleventh month of revolutionary calendar which figures in a lobster dish (9) THERMIDOR [No Clue how]

7 A commercial selected and taken over (7) ADOPTED [AD(Commercial) + OPTED(Selected) Taken over is the Defn.]

8 In which a lad ultimately becomes a grown up (5) ADULT [Container Clue - lAD ULTimately]

14 Bloomers found in Wordsworth's lines (9) DAFFODILS [Direct Clue]

16 Gibbon, for one, a grand imitator! (5,3) GREAT APE [Grand is GREAT, Imitator is APE]

17 Some figures that assist the mail sorter (4,4) AREA CODE [Direct Clue]

18 Fallout of wood work (7) SAWDUST [Direct Clue]

21 Flavouring that is the role of variety in life (5) SPICE [From Variety is SPICE of life]

22 Wool producer from Jaisalmer in olden times (6) MERINO [Container Clue - jailsalMER IN Olden]

23 Anti-aircraft fire getting doubly but briefly acknowledged (3-3) ACK ACK [Double ACKnowedgment(Brief)]

26 Cordial disposition of a girl accepting appeal (5) AMITY [IT(Appeal) in AMY(Girl) - AM IT Y]

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