The Hindu Crossword #8556 - 21st Mar 2006

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1 Endure first of teeth breaking: get a replacement (7) DENTURE [Anag of ENDRUE + T(first of teeth)]

5 Rejection of endless commotion in a genuine setting (7) REFUSAL [Explanation please??]

9 Not quite the chief but close to it (6,2,7) SECOND IN COMMAND [Direct Clue]

10 Emanation, golden within, in dawn (6) AURORA [Explanation please??]

11 Men raged about a policeman in France (8) GENDARME [Anag of MEN RAGED]

13 Word in America for the end of the line (8) TERMINUS [TERM IN US(Word in America)]

15 Disordered situation in Timor associated with violence (6) MORASS [Hidden Clue - tiMOR ASSociated]

18 Thick soup is a drug on time (6) POTAGE [POT(Drug) + AGE(Time)]

19 Engaged in a headlong rush, a grandee slipped (8) GADARENE [Anag of A GRANDEE]

22 Electrical device that spoilt the roast (8) RHEOSTAT [Anag of THE ROAST]

24 Set fire to soft, brown coal, removing the top (6) IGNITE [(L) IGNITE]

27 Italian notion as spelt out in state take-over (15) NATIONALISATION [Anag of ITALIAN NOTION AS]

28 Revolutionary guidance to find a pigment (3,4) RED LEAD [RED(Revolutionary + LEAD(Guidance)]

29 Cricketer on ground with hesitant expression (7) FIELDER [Explanation please??]


1 Some music in a record a worker followed (7) DISCANT [DISC is Record, ANT is worker, how does it work though??]

2 More pleasant part of ethnic ergonomics (5) NICER [Hidden Clue - ethNIC ERgonomics]

3 In victory, gunner turns intimidating (9) UNNERVING [Anag of I V GUNNER]

4 Way out for a former partner with appeal (4) EXIT [Former is EX, how do we get IT??]

5 Firework that could unsettle an alien (6) ROCKET [ROCK ET (as in Extra Terrestrial)]

6 Well-known craze about note (5) FAMED [Explanation please??]

7 Means of going up or down, a scariest arrangement... (9) STAIRCASE [Anag of A SCARIEST]

8 ... and other aids for going up or down for boys, the German included (7) LADDERS [LAD DER S]

12 Actor's signal for action (3) CUE [Direct Clue]

14 Went back to be given another party (9) RETREATED [RE TREATED]

16 A drink agreed on, a blend (9) ORANGEADE [Anag of AGREED ON]

17 Is it where lawyers quench their thirst? (3) BAR [What kind of clue would one call this??]

18 An associate getting normal hire charge reversed (7) PARTNER [PAR is normal TNER is RENT reversed]

20 A woman like Adele, an organist in hiding (7) ELEANOR [Hidden Clue - adELE AN ORganist]

21 Bad art marring sleeveless jacket (6) TABARD [Anag of BAD ART]

23 Reproductive cell with a small opening (5) SPORE [S(Small) + PORE(Opening)]

25 Homer's great work (5) ILIAD [Direct Clue]

26 Petty quarrel involving non-plain litigant (4) TIFF [From PLAIN TIFF]

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