The Hindu Crossword #8558 - 23rd Mar 2006
Published Thursday, March 23, 2006 by Aarya Srinivas | E-mail this post 
Across1 Disorder in medical speciality — inadequate (7)
ENTROPY [Ravi : = disorder ENT - Medical speciality, rest i guessed]5 Business house, new, cagey variety (6)
AGENCY [Anag of N(ew) CAGEY]11 Take a walk.: that is lawful (5)
LEGIT [LEG IT - Take a walk]12 Valuable painting — by Mr. Chips? (3,6)
OLD MASTER [Direct Clue??]13 I voted in a frenzy for divergence (9)
DEVIATION [Pradeep : Anag of I VOTED IN A, Frenzy is the Anagram indicator, Divergence is the Defn.]14 Language feature includes a bit of romanticism (5)
NORSE [NOSE is a feature, R is a bit of romanticism]15 Eastern study of a garden (4)
EDEN [E + DEN]17 Drunken master's in the garage (7)
SMASHED [S mas HED]21 Essayist was an eccentric don's aid (7)
ADDISON [Anag of DONS AID]22 Bird, reportedly underage (4)
MYNA [Anita : reportedly indicates a
homophone, myna sounds like minor, which means underag]
26 Open to view in a hovertrain (5)
OVERT [Hidden Clue - hOVERTrain]27 Is it blasé, oddly to keep steady (9)
STABILISE [Anag of IS IT BLASE]29 Chicken leg for playing the tavil? (9)
DRUMSTICK [Ravi : DRUM STICK]30 Try to throw up in the middle of hospital transport (5)
RETCH [Middle of stRETCHer]31 The right to get in with a meal starter (6)
ENTREE [Explanation please??]32 Oglers' arrest's questionable (7)
STARERS [Anag of ARRESTS]Down2 Part of Israel in which Beersheba is located (5)
NEGEV [Ravi : the NEGEV desert lies in Israel]
3 Plant for producing wheat flour in the centre of Arni (6) RATTAN [Anita : wheat flour = ATTA in the center of A(rn)i = RN]
4 Gain in favour of the healthy (6) PROFIT [PRO + FIT]
6 Late Soviet policy — the last song played (8) GLASNOST [Ravi : Anagram last song]
7 The fame of the infamous (9) NOTORIETY [Direct Clue]
8 Delivery, one from a British royal house maybe (6) YORKER [YORK + ER]
9 Second-grade climber's aid is an inflated sac (7) BLADDER [B + LADDER]
10 Tumour a daemon unleashed (7) ADENOMA [Pradeep : Tumour is the Defn. Anag. of A DAEMON, unleashed is the Anag indicator]
16 The final outcome put paid to Ulster revolt (3,6) END RESULT [Pradeep : The final outcome is the Defn. Revolt is the Anag. indicator, Ulster is the Anag fodder, how do we arrive at END??]
18 Aversion to a staid set's rambling (8) DISTASTE [Pradeep : Aversion is the Defn. STAID SET is the Anag. fodder, rambling is the Anag indicator]
19 Devotion reverses quarrel over vessel (7) WORSHIP [Anita : quarrel =
row, reversed 'row' = WOR + vessel = SHIP]
20 Tanning material derived from a delicate chunky plant (7) CATECHU [Explanation please??]
23 Cheese dish found melting; start eating (6) FONDUE [Anita : melting =
anagram indicator, ana. of FOUND + start of the word 'eating' = E]
24 Lot of money for a parcel (6) PACKET [Direct Clue??]
25 Image maker that does not lie (6) MIRROR [Direct Clue]
28 Finally put to rest (5) INTER [Direct Clue]
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