Sorry, I was away for a few days, couldnt get pencil to the crossie. I am back again, and with a bang... here goes...
Across 1 Ordinary position lacking distinction (11)
COMMONPLACE [Direct Clue]9 Young boy holding crushed paper clothes (7)
APPAREL [Anag of PAPER and AL crushed is the Anag indicator]10 Communist in favour of the first monument in Delhi (3,4)
RED FORT [Direct Clue]11 Sound, to a TV repairman (5)
AUDIO [Direct Clue]12 Hell! Dick I punched up turns out to be innocent (9)
CHILDLIKE [Anag. of HELL DICK]13 Credit is tied up, we're told (5)
TRUST [CVasi : Homophone of 'trussed', meaning 'tied up']15 Excitement caused by Bengali throwing Tamil leader out of Howrah, for example (9)
SENSATION [Bengali is SEN Howrah is a STATION, to throw out Tamil leader is remove T from STATION]18 Dwelling on the tenure of head of state not beginning (9)
RESIDENCY [PRESIDENCY is tenure of head of state, and not beginning is to remove P to get RESIDENCY, a dwelling] 21 Emotion shown by warden losing his head (5)
ANGER [A Warden aka RANGER losing head (R) to give the emotion ANGER]22 When it sounds, it spells danger (5,4)
ALARM BELL [Direct Clue]24 Not being truthful about assuming a reclining position (5)
LYING [Double Definition]26 Red vehicle belonging to me (7)
CARMINE [Double Definition CVasi : Actually, it's word after word; car mine]27 Child told to get up at crack of dawn (7)
SUNRISE [Double Definition CVasi : Homophone cum word after word; Homophone of son (child) is sun; this comes before rise (get up)]28 Our teachers suspected to be disloyal (11)
TREACHEROUS [Anag of OUR TEACHERS]Down 1 One making novel or playful appearance with many others (9)
CHARACTER [Direct Clue]2 Work in sea transport (5)
MOPED [OPeration is work MED is the Sea?? CVasi : Med is short for Mediterranean]3 Having limbs adopted for swimming, Deo far too nimble (3-6)
OAR-FOOTED [Anag of DEO FAR TOO]4 Friend champions the cause of stately mansions (7)
PALACES [PAL + ACES]5 Rag Rani planned to bring before the court (7)
ARRAIGN [Anag of RAG RANI]6 It is all over a point in the revised deed (5)
ENDED [Anag of NEED + North (a point)]7 Remarking on a mixture of gin and tonic (8)
NOTICING [Anag of GIN + TONIC]8 Small yet bothersome complaint (4)
STYE [Anag of Small + YET]14 Part of building for high living (8)
UPSTAIRS [Direct Clue]16 How one views cursorily (2,1,6)
AT A GLANCE [Direct Clue]17 Renters go away: little to feel sorry (2,7)
NO REGRETS [Anag of RENTERS GO]19 Julius, former President of Tanzania (7)
NYERERE [Direct Clue]20 Hundred question Loy bringing up umbilical vesicle (4,3)
YOLK SAC [Anag of C(Hundred) + LOY + ASK(Question)]22 Cars go round bend (4)
ARCS [Anag of CARS]23 Doctor and I, by the way, are slightly wet (5)
MOIST [CVasi : doctor - MO (Medical officer) I st (street, way)]25 I enter the man's name (5)
INIGO [IN I GO i guess, not too sure CVasi : I enter = In I go + man's name. Some years ago I met someone (a Christian) here in Madras by this name.]
9 Young boy holding crushed paper clothes (7) APPAREL [Anag of PAPER in AL , crushed is the Anag indicator]
13 Credit is tied up, we're told (5) TRUST [Explanation Please??] homophone of 'trussed', meaning 'tied up'
26 Red vehicle belonging to me (7) CARMINE [Double Definition]
Actually, it's word after word; car mine
27 Child told to get up at crack of dawn (7) SUNRISE [Double Definition]
Homophone cum word after word; Homophone of son (child) is sun; this comes before rise (get up)
2 Work in sea transport (5) MOPED [OPeration is work MED is the Sea??]
Med is short for Mediterranean
23 Doctor and I, by the way, are slightly wet (5) MOIST [Explanation Please??]
doctor - MO (Medical officer) I st (street, way)
25 I enter the man's name (5) INIGO [IN I GO i guess, not too sure]
I enter = In I go + man's name. Some years ago I met someone (a Christian) here in Madras by this name.