I am stepping out now, have a function to attend, will be updating the blog with the explanations later in the day. Till then, happy solving.
Across 1 Become less tense (4,3)
5 A number of people don't start, with accountant and politician, to live in tent (6)
ENCAMP [MEN(A number of people)-M(dont start) + CA(accountant) + MP(politician)] - I guess would be "CLUE OF THE DAY"9 Picture of one performer (5)
IMAGE [I(One) + MAGE(Performer??)]10 Get involved with Evert and nine in a whirl (9)
INTERVENE [Anag of EVERT & NINE]11 Bring to court everyone linked with mischievous boy (7)
12 Bolster supplies of shellfish (7)
LOBSTER [Anag of BOLSTER]13 That, that, that, that... (5)
14 Pasta made in ribbons (9)
16 Gleans ten are involved in snags (9)
ENTANGLES [Anag of GLEANS + TEN]19 Nag a mammal (5)
21 Bringing up excellent son in arena (7)
23 Greek character against wine (7)
24 Formidable task that high-rise builders can fulfil (4,5)
TALL ORDER [Direct Clue??]25 Bad moral is in one's mouth (5)
MOLAR [Anag of MORAL]26 It supplies blood (6)
ARTERY [Direct Clue]27 No tears shed for politician (7)
SENATOR [Anag of NO TEARS]Down 1 What a Commission of Inquiry is expected to do (6,3,5)
2 Cut and blow-dry may follow it (7)
3 Or weave around to intimidate (7)
OVERAWE [Anag of OR WEAVE]4 Female just atrocious (9)
5 Crack up! (5)
6 Cartoon character, not ill, holds a bone of Arctic deer (7)
7 Scholar, Oriental, nearly authoritarian with eminent music composers, for example (7)
MAESTRO?? [Direct Clue??]8 As used for a backward glance while driving (4-4,6)
REAR-VIEW MIRROR [Direct Clue]15 Tracts Ed's recast may be seen sometimes on TV monitor (4,5)
17 Not one to be taken seriously (7)
18 Racket around a sacred chant is offensive (7)
NOISOME [Container Clue - noisOMe]19 Snap him! Good enough for a sailor (7)
SHIPMAN [Anag of SNAP HIM]20 Curl in the crown (7)
22 Being divine, saint and I leave stodgily, vexed (5)
GODLY [ST(Saint) + I leave STODGILY to get GODLY]