The Hindu Crossword #8535 - 23rd Feb 2006
Published Friday, February 24, 2006 by Aarya Srinivas | E-mail this post 

1 He offers protection for a dignitary, may be (9) BODYGUARD [Straight clue, looks like its the same constructor as yesterday]
5 Fling oneself about (4) TOSS [Straight Clue]
8 Hotel found in natural surroundings (3) INN [Hidden clue - IN Natural]
9 Yielding up of rights to a property may be (7) CESSION [Straight Clue??]
10 Proclaim and make public (3) AIR [Double Definition]
11 Without inherent power of action (5) INERT [Straight clue ]
12 How Aladdin's genie worked (9) MAGICALLY [Straight clue]
13 Liven up and revitalise (7) FRESHEN [Double Definition]
15 Be indignant and foamed at the mouth (6) BOILED [Explain please]
17 Old fashioned and dowdily dressed (6) FRUMPY [Guess thats the word for it - Straight Clue]
18 What's left is the wrong side in a way (7) RESIDUE [Anag of RUE(Wrong) and SIDE]
21 Get rid of the bird in the select group (9) ELIMINATE [The bird here is MINA and select group is ELITE so they form ELI mina TE]
22 Raise up to place high in rank (5) EXALT [Straight Clue??]
24 Twenty-second Greek letter (3) CHI [Straight Clue]
25 Capes that cover shoulders (7) TIPPETS [I guess these are worn to cover the shoulders]
26 Expanse that encloses the continents (3) SEA [Straight Clue]
27 One remarkable person (4) ONER [Hidden Clue??]
28 Illegal extraction of money (9) EXTORTION [Straight Clue]
1 Official in court of law (7) BAILIFF [Straight Clue]
2 Lively rhythmic steps to music (5) DANCE [Straight and ridiculously non-cryptic]
3 Taking much upon oneself (8) ASSUMING [Straight Clue??]
4 Actions for things needed (6) DOINGS [Straight Clue??]
5 Persistence developed by countess in sea (13) TENACIOUSNESS [Anagram of COUNTESS IN SEA]
6 Steady fellow known to nag in the stalls (6,3) STABLE LAD [Looks like a Straight Clue]
7 Appealed to higher authority? (6) PRAYED [Straight Clue]
9 Cast off artist is not to be recognised (3,3,7) CUT THE PAINTER [Guess its an expression]
14 Remarkable learning (9) ERUDITION [Guess thats the meaning for ERUDITION]
16 Most concise in expression (8) BRIEFEST [Straight again]
17 Defraud money or property (6) FLEECE [Just Guessing]
19 Go on a journey by rail (7) ENTRAIN [Straight Clue]
20 Taste and see (6) SAMPLE [Looks like a Straight Clue]
23 Fullest sense in music (5) ASSAI [Straight Clue]
Footnote : I wonder who the Constructor is for the last couple of days. I hope its not what Mr Garcia ordered as a change in the Newspaper.
A suggestion... answers are anyways available in The Hindu the next day. Your blog will serve better if you post the explanations to the answers.
14 Remarkable learning (9) ERUDITION perhaps...
25 Capes that cover shoulders (7) --> AMULETS are pieces of jewelry, not related to clothing